Mindful and Magical Ways to Soothe Anxiety

How to Tap into Everyday Enchantment to Find Peace in Your Soul

Hey babe,
If you struggle with anxiety like me, it doesn’t mean anything significant about you. We live in a stressful world, and as women, we often have high expectations placed on us not just by society, but also by ourselves.

But here's the thing – we all have the power to conjure up a bit of magic in our everyday lives to help calm those anxious thoughts.

Inspirational neon sign

 Whether you feel like you have mastered mindfulness or just dipping your toes into the world of mindfulness for the first time, I want you to know there that you deserve to give yourself some extra attention in stressful moments, and that with a little bit of mindfulness can find some peace, and even magic in the mundane.

Let’s explore some simple, yet powerful ways to soothe anxiety using a mix of mindfulness, and everyday magic.

 1. Grounding Ritual: Root Yourself in the Present Moment

When anxiety makes me feel like I’m literally leaving my body, I know it's time to root myself back into earth energy. I like to find a quiet spot, take a few deep breaths, and imagine roots growing from my feet deep into the ground. As those roots extend into the earth, I imagine that grounding energy from the soil running up through my roots into the bottom of my feet I watch this energy as it travels to wherever in my body I feel anxious or unsafe, and then I imagine the energy from the earth washing away my fear, insecurity, and panic. I like to set an intention that this energy will stay with me as long as I need to help me feel stable and secure.

2. Lipstick Glamour Magic: A Quick Confidence Boost

I am not kidding when I tell people that some days a lipstick is what saves my life for that day. But it is true, something as simple as swiping on a favorite color of lipstick can transform my energy. I like to choose a shade that helps me embody the energy I feel like I need in that moment to calm my nerves – maybe a bold red for confidence, a soft pink for love, or a bright orange for creativity. I set the intention with a mantra that I repeat in my head while I apply, like, “I am calm, I am powerful, I am in control.” This small ritual shifts my energy and serves as a reminder that even in anxious moments, I am capable of handling whatever comes my way.


Applying lipstick

3. Tarot and cleansing for clarity and relief:  Unravel Your Inner Worries

Tarot cards can be used like a little mirror that reflect back what’s happening inside of us. When you feel anxiety bubbling up, pull a card to gain clarity on what’s really bothering you. Is it fear of the unknown? The need for control? Let the card guide you toward understanding, journal about what comes up for you, or simply contemplate it throughout the course of the day. Then before bed, work on releasing that energy in a cleansing ritual.

I personally like to take a shower and watch the energy wash away from my spirit, but if you are not a evening shower person you can also do this while giving your hands a good scrub and imagine that you are literally washing your hands of the energy that no longer serves you.

4. Mindful Movement: Move Your Energy

Sometimes anxiety gets stuck in our bodies, and the best way to release it is through movement. Whether it’s a slow, mindful yoga practice, a walk in nature, standing on a vibration plate, swimming, or even a spontaneous dance party in your living room, move your body to shift your energy. If you want to add a bit of magic to this, visualize your anxiety as dark, heavy energy that you’re shaking out of your body with every movement. Let the light energy flow in as you release the heaviness.

A warm and soothing cup of tea

5. Teatime Magic: Sip Your Worries Away

There's something incredibly soothing about the ritual of making tea. I love to make my own blends every evening before bed to ease my body into a more relaxed state before I wind down for the day. My favorite herbs to unwind my anxious thoughts and feelings are Tulsi, Lemon Balm, Linden, Lavender, and even peppermint although its more of a stimulating herb, the coolness of peppermint is soothing and comforting. As I prepare my tea, infuse it with intention. Stir my tea in my cup clockwise while visualizing peace and tranquility flowing into the water. As I sip, imagine each swallow washing away anxiety and filling me with calm. Tea magic is simple yet powerful, reminding you that healing can be found in even the smallest of rituals.

Anxiety doesn’t stand a chance against you, babe. By weaving these simple practices into your daily life, you can create your own sanctuary of peace and calm – no matter where you are or what’s happening around you.

Legal Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and inspirational purposes only. I am not a licensed medical professional, and the mindfulness practices and magical techniques shared here are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing severe anxiety or any other mental health issues, please consult with a qualified healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.




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